Exploring Unique Factors in IVF Treatment for Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, also known as PCOS, has become an increasingly common problem in women these days. It refers to a hormonal imbalance in a female’s body caused when ovaries produce excessive hormones called androgens. This imbalance of hormones results in irregular periods, which affects the ovulation cycle negatively. Most women who have PCOS are diagnosed with the condition in their 20s or 30s. This medical condition also makes it difficult for a female to conceive. 

Fortunately, there are treatments that not only address this health condition but also increase the chances of ovulation in such females. In Vitro Fertilisation, or IVF, is the best choice of treatment. Here’s everything to know about IVF treatment for women with PCOS. 

How Does PCOS Affect a Woman’s Ability to Conceive? 

PCOS is an endocrine disorder that interrupts the natural process of ovulation in a female’s body. Consequently, the process occurs rarely or may not occur at all. This condition affects a female’s ability to time their fertile period by intruding on the monthly menstrual cycle. Even if females with PCOS conceive, there are chances of early miscarriage or abortion. 

What is the Best Fertility Treatment for Women with PCOS? 

IVF or In Vitro Fertilisation is often touted as the best treatment for women who suffer from PCOS and want to conceive. During this treatment, the doctors use ovarian stimulation, a part of the treatment that involves prescribing hormonal medications to the females to increase egg production during ovulation. It helps regulate ovulatory dysfunction and increase the chances of fertility in women with such a condition. 

The medications used in IVF treatment help maintain the hormonal balance before the ovulation period or post-embryo transfer, thereby reducing the risk of pregnancy loss. 

What is the Role of IVF in Promoting Fertility in PCOS? 

IVF has revolutionised reproductive medicine. Women who used to struggle to conceive are leading a happy and healthy life with their families. This treatment involves the retrieval of eggs from the ovaries. These eggs are further fertilised with sperm in a laboratory setting. The resulting embryo is then transferred to the uterus of the patient. This method of fertilisation bypasses all the challenges that women face due to hormonal imbalances and irregular ovulation. 

The entire process of ovulation is monitored closely by the doctors, which increases the odds of successful fertilisation and implantation. The embryos produced as a result of the fertilisation of eggs are healthy, thereby improving the chance of successful pregnancy in females with PCOS. 

What Does IVF Treatment for Women with PCOS Include? 

IVF is a very individualised process. Your doctor will recommend making various lifestyle changes to improve your chances of fertility and reduce the symptoms of PCOS so that you can opt for this treatment. 

The treatment plan may involve hormonal medications to stimulate the ovaries and encourage the development of multiple eggs. The controlled stimulation helps combat irregular ovulation patterns characteristic of your condition, which may increase the chances of successful egg retrieval. Depending on your overall health, oral fertility drugs, such as Letrozole, clomiphene citrate, and others, may be prescribed to promote ovulation. 

Which IVF Stimulation Protocol is Used in Women with PCOS? 

IVF Stimulation Protocol refers to the manner that stimulates ovaries with injections during an IVF cycle to assist the ovaries in producing multiple follicles during the menstrual cycle. This stimulation also helps control the timing of ovulation, allowing the doctor to select a suitable time to retrieve or harvest the mature follicles so that they can be passed to the IVF lab. Different kinds of stimulation protocols are suited to females with different conditions. The best IVF doctors in Kenya find the best approach after learning about the patient’s medical history without causing any risk to the patient. 

  • Antagonist protocol ensures there is no risk of OHSS for women suffering from PCOS. 
  • Step-up protocol offers better control over the ovarian stimulation for patients with PCOS.
  • Agonist protocol is used for the final maturation of oocytes. 
  • IVF-Freeze All protocol is used to cryopreserve and transfer the embryos in natural cycles during the treatment. 

All these efforts lead to a better quality of oocytes, resulting in better quality blastocysts. These protocols eliminate the risk of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome during pregnancy. 

How are IVF Cycles for PCOS Patients Different from Others? 

There is a slight difference in the IVF cycles for patients with PCOS from others. They require a few corrections in their body before starting the IVF treatments. These corrections include a controlled diet, weight reduction, regular exercise, managing high blood sugar levels, and metabolic dysfunctions like hypothyroidism. 

Some females with PCOS have irregular menstrual cycles. The doctor prescribes medication to regulate their cycle before starting the IVF treatment. The duration to undergo an IVF cycle for females with PCOS may be a little longer than others. 

It is vital for such patients to understand that these pre-IVF corrections will only have a positive impact on their treatment. It will not only increase the success rate of pregnancy but also improve their overall lifestyle. Before your treatment, you will be counselled about the IVF cycle in detail to prepare yourself for the changes ahead. 

Where Should I Opt for IVF Treatment? 

IVF treatment for females with PCOS has a high success rate when you opt for the treatment at the right place. Many fertility clinics offer PCOS and IVF services and treatments to their patients. Lately, Kenya has become a go-to destination for many couples who want to plan their family through IVF. The best IVF centres in Kenya are equipped with modern technology and medical advancements. The team of doctors and experts in these centres ensures smooth and effective treatment regardless of any underlying health condition of the patient. Moreover, the cost of IVF treatment in Kenya is more affordable than in other parts of the world. 

Final Words 

With an effective infertility PCOS treatment, the process of IVF may be highly successful. All you need to do is listen to your doctor, follow their instructions, and maintain a positive approach throughout the treatment. The best professionals treat every case and every patient with utmost care.